Our Services

Whether it’s your primary home, or vacation rental, your commercial business or your secondary home away from the city, we’ve got you covered.

Solar Thermal Heating

Solar Thermal is a term used to describe a method of collecting heat from the sun. That heat is then transferred to the collectors, which are filled with fluid. That fluid is then pumped out the collector and into a heat exchanger. This transfers the heat from the collector fluid to your water storage tank. This tank stores that heat for when you need it. The heat can then be used to heat your home via radiant tubing or wall heaters, or for your domestic water-usage like showers, laundry, hot tap water, or dishwashers.  

Grid Tied Solar

So, you’re currently connected to the grid power that is provided by your electric utility company. But you want to offset your electric bill with solar electric panels or photovoltaic (PV) panels. What you need is a grid-tied system. You can rely on your PV power while it’s available, but if you use more than the panels provide, or it’s dark or cloudy and there’s no power coming in from your PV panels, you have the grid for backup! There’s no extra cost to have batteries for storage. Depending on your utility company, you may even be able to sell your collected but unused power back to the grid, effectively spinning your power meter backward. This means extra savings for you!

Off Grid Solar

If you either have a property you can’t or choose not to connect to a utility company line for power, you’ll need an off-grid solar system. This means the photovoltaic panels are absorbing the sun’s energy and converting it into DC power. It then stores that power to your battery storage system for whenever you need it. Then an inverter converts it from DC to AC — this is the standard, usable household power. If you use more power than your panels produce, or if your battery bank is depleted, then you’ll need to rely on an alternative fuel-powered generator (like gasoline, natural gas, propane or diesel).

In-Floor Radiant Heating and Hydronic Boiler System

The basics of radiant heating are 1: the distribution system (how to get the heat in the house most efficiently), 2: pumps and controls, 3: energy source. The distribution system is either using tubing or radiators. The tubing is installed either in the concrete slab, or stapled to the underside of the sub-flooring, or stapled to the surface of the flooring and covered with lightweight concrete, a or hybrid system. The pumps and controls are used to move and control amounts and temperatures to create the most efficient, comfortable space. Your energy source can be a combination of solar thermal, propane, natural gas or wood-fired boilers

Wind Power

Wind blows into a fan. The wind spins a fan, and that fan is connected to a generator. The generator takes the energy from the fan spinning around and converts it into electricity. That electricity can be fed back into the grid, or charge batteries. These wind turbines are installed on a very secure, stable foundation, and sometimes have guy-wires to help support them. Typical small/medium wind generators need to be 60-180 feet in the air depending on the model. The most efficient wind turbines are located away from large trees or buildings that can disrupt the air flow.

Mobile RV/Camper Power

If you’re looking for RV or Camper adventures where you can also transport/make your own power, you need to install a different type of mobile, off-grid solar system that works within the confines of your rig. We partner with AMSolar.com to provide you with the best equipment and design, and we’ll install your system locally.

Boiler Love

We install and maintain your natural gas, propane, and electric boilers. These are the powerplants for our hydronic heating systems. We provide custom design and installation for new construction. We’re especially happy to chat with you about the replacement of your existing boiler with high efficiency boilers. Personalized system servicing, too!

Sorry, we don’t service forced air-furnaces.


Air/Ground Source Heat Pumps

Heat pumps offer an energy-efficient alternative to furnaces and air conditioners for all climates. Like your refrigerator, heat pumps use electricity to transfer heat from a cool space to a warm space, making the cool space cooler and the warm space warmer. During the heating season, heat pumps move heat from the cool outdoors into your warm house.  During the cooling season, heat pumps move heat from your house into the  outdoors. Because they transfer heat rather than generate heat, heat pumps can efficiently provide comfortable temperatures for your home.

Geothermal (ground-source or water-source) heat pumps achieve higher efficiencies by transferring heat between your house and the ground or a nearby water source. Although they cost more to install, geothermal heat pumps have low operating costs because they take advantage of relatively constant ground or water temperatures. Geothermal (or ground source) heat pumps have some major advantages. They can reduce energy use by 30%-60%, control humidity, are sturdy and reliable, and fit in a wide variety of homes. Whether a geothermal heat pump is appropriate for you will depend on the size of your lot, the subsoil, and the landscape. Ground-source or water-source heat pumps can be used in more extreme climates than air-source heat pumps, and customer satisfaction with the systems is very high.

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